Monthly Archives: May 2016

You can be free from emotional pain to the extent you are willing to bring presence and compassion to it when it reveals itself.

The goal then becomes not to fix or judge thst which is unpleasant, but to feel it and integrate it 


Emotional pain is not pleasant, but becomes a present when you are present to it.

Non violent observation of the Watcher transforms that which is to that which was.


The most significant message we as believers can share with others is one of value. You are valuable as you are.

If we esteem the most valuable man to ever walk this earth, Jesus, we will allow His words to matter to us- that I am valuable just as I am.  Receive His beautiful words said with a smile and embrace.  … Continue reading


The emotional pain and despair toxic shame produces is real, but its message is always a lie.


Many of us were dissapointed early on in life have left our packed bags at the Love’s Terminal, never to return

And to get back what was lost we must have the courage to unpack the contents of our hearts and make the voyage back to our hearts’ original longing to be loved.


If one could only swim in the streams of goodness their hearts would be glad


Owning our need for love pulls us out of unhealthy patterns of self hatred, guilt, and shame
