Monthly Archives: July 2016

True success is living by your values

Values are the character qualities you would like to build your life by. They are not to be confused with goals or rules. (From the Confidence Gap)


Develop a zero tolerance policy for any thoughts, feelings, or messages that devalue you.

Practice paying attention to what goes on on your mind.  Like a movie screen or leaves in a stream, listen to the chatter with enough space as to not automatically agree or fuse with every passing thought that enters your … Continue reading


No matter how difficult your situation might be, you are never further from grace than one deep breath.


With open hands we supply the need for acceptance, while God provides the solution of grace


Sometimes the distance we judge ourselves and others from is too far from grace.

Stay close to the well that embraces you as you are.  His name is Jesus.


Value your values over your goals and you will achieve success in droves.

Paraphrased from the Confidence Gap
