Monthly Archives: January 2016

When you look through the eyes of your wounds, everything you see will appear distorted


There is a kind of pain that is something to embrace. If you don’t experience resistance in something you are pursuing, you won’t experience change.


As relational beings we are always in relationship with someone or something.

Law or love? Good / bad Right / wrong


The language of criticism and blame keeps us from connecting to our needs and cuts off what is alive in us.


If you want to make yourself miserable, start comparing yourself to others.


Just because lies are familiar doesn’t make them true.


A pattern of unmet needs can be the breeding ground for toxic shame

Unmet needs, or neglect, as children can be very damaging to our healthy growth. The messages we entertain can set us up for believing our needs are the reason we are in pain, which leads us to judge our needs … Continue reading


Reuniting with your disowned needs is a worthy cause for celebration!

Because now you will be operating in the most natural language of the heart:  feelings and needs.  “A need fulfilled is satisfying to the soul.” …”meeting the need of the moment…”


Your empathy and presence with someone who feels stuck is what does the healing, not your advice. Advice usually blocks growth for someone who needs your precious connection.



Be careful of doing anything out of demand, for there is a price you will pay. Reconnect with your power to choose life in every decision before you.

Or as Marshall R says, “don’t do anything that isn’t play.”


One must push through the press of passion to realize their life’s purpose

There is Pain and Suffering in the pursuit of Passion and Purpose. (Image of molding or extruding press)


As white blood cells help fight off infections in our bodies, so tears are expressed to heal the hurts of our heart and soul.


Humility goes a long way in reconnecting our hearts to God when we feel distant.

He draws close as we take a more accurate view of our lives by confessing our human limitations, shortcomings, and failures at the dining table of grace.


Our beliefs are the ever-growing roots that we live our life by. From their nutrients yield trees that respond to the storms of life.


Draw from what is not what isn’t.

In this day you have the choice before you, choose life that you may live. For death follows you around negating and criticising all things good.  Resist the pessimism.  It’s easy to live a cynic.  It takes courage to hope … Continue reading
